Sunday, December 23, 2007


For the concurrent request parameters, if you are sending a VARCHAR2 type of parameter as a date variable, I would suggest to use STRING_TO_DATE function for conversion; See below;

g_DateUB := NVL(Fnd_Conc_Date.STRING_TO_DATE (p_dateUB), SYSDATE);

Monday, November 26, 2007

Call a pl/sql API from forms personalization

To call a pl/sql API from forms personalization, do this

  • Personalize the form
  • Create an action of type "BuiltIn"
  • BuiltIn Type for Action should be "Execute a Procedure"
  • Argument should be as below
v_field_value VARCHAR2(200) ;
xx_proc ('''||${item.BLOCKNAME.FIELDNAME.value}||''');
Note the syntax, after =, entire declare begin end is within single quote. Also, there is no semi colon after "end"

You can pass field values as

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Making "Profile – Utilities:Diagnostics" YES will give enduser the ability to use Diagnostic without entering the APPS Password.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Replace SQLERRM with the much better DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_stack. Now you will see the full error stack information -- but if the string exceeds 255 characters, you get an ERROR!


Replace SQLERRM with the much better DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_stack. Now you will see the full error stack information -- but if the string exceeds 255 characters, you get an ERROR!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

MSCA Turkish

After successful installation of Mobile Supply Chain Applications (MSCA) of Oracle Applications Release 11.5.10, we discovered Telnet client can not display characters for the Turkish language.

Telnet Protocol; Mobile Applications Framework's Presentation Manager Layer can send data to telnet clients in multi-byte. However, for telnet clients (whether it be a telnet client software on Microsoft Windows, Unix, etc. or a telnet client on a mobile device) to display characters for the specified language, system administrator's have to set the CHARACTER_SET parameter in their default_key.ini file (or whatever ini file they use for this in $MWA_TOP/secure directory) to the proper character encoding value.

For example, for West European character sets (like French ), CHARACTER_SET has to be set to WE8ISO8859P1. When this fails for you, try using the encoding scheme format for your characterset as referenced from java character codes:

For example, we tried using 'Cp1254' (case sensitive) for Turkish charactersets as the value in CHARACTER_SET.

Also check CLASSPATH. Some charactersets are available by default in the Basic Encoding set (rt.jar) file, while others are available in the Extended Encoding set (i18n.jar or characters.jar in the upper versions of Java). Therefore, CLASSPATH needs to include the correct file.