Saturday, December 04, 2010

UDDI Connection in JDeveloper


In the Connection Wizard, provide a connection name and specify the UDDI inquiry endpoint URL. The syntax of this URL is:


ohs_host and ohs_Port have the following definitions:

·         ohs_host is the address of the Oracle Application Server host machine.; for example,

·         ohs_Port is the HTTP listener port assigned to OHS

registry_context is context root used to access the target registry instance, such as "registry" or "registrypub"

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

How to export Security Group to create UDML

Here is a command to extract security objects from an OBIEE repository using the UDML command, mind the “-S” in the end, it handles to export Security part only;

C:\oracle\OBIEE\OracleBI\server\Bin\nQUDMLGen.exe -U Administrator -P xxx123 -R D:\ALL\repository\temps\yaz\050310_XXX_BAW_CS.rpd -O D:\ALL\repository\temps\yaz\tekin.udml -S

C:\OracleBI\server\bin\nqudmlgen -U Administrator -P Administrator -R C:\OracleBI\server\Sample\samplesales\samplesales.rpd -O C:\OracleBI\server\Sample\samplesales\samplesales.udml -S

nqudmlgen: This is the actual export command
-U: This is the user flag, in my case Administrator
-P: This is the password flag, in my case Administrator since I'm using sample sales
-R: Is the source repository. I am sourcing from samplesales.rpd on a Windows box
-O: Is the output file. I am populating a file called samplesales.udml in the same folder as the source
-S: Exports only security objects

Here is the command to import the objects

nqudmlexec -U Administrator -P Administrator -I C:\OracleBI\server\Sample\samplesales\samplesales.udml -B C:\OracleBI\server\Sample\samplesales\samplesales.rpd -O C:\OracleBI\server\Sample\samplesales\samplesales2.rpd

nqudmlexec : This is the actual import command
-U: This is the user flag, in my case Administrator
-P: This is the password flag, in my case Administrator since I'm using sample sales
-I: This is the input script. In this case, the input to this is the output from the first command
-B: This is the base repository. In this case, your base repository will be your target repository, the one where you want to migrate the users to.
-O: This is the output repository. This command makes a copy and applies the changes in the UDML to that copy. So you need to specify an output file. This is the file that will have the changes. The base file will not have the new users since it is just used to make this copy.

C:\oracle\OBIEE\OracleBI\server\Bin\nQUDMLGen.exe -U Administrator -P xxx-R D:\ALL\repository\temps\yaz\050310_XXX_BAW_CS.rpd -O D:\ALL\repository\temps\yaz\tekin.udml

C:\oracle\OBIEE\OracleBI\server\Bin\nQUDMLexec.exe -U Administrator -P xxx -I D:\ALL\repository\temps\yaz\tekin.udml -B D:\ALL\repository\temps\yaz\050310_BAW.rpd -O D:\ALL\repository\temps\yaz\050310_BAW.rpd

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

How to delete item by UDML

How to delete item by UDML
We are complaining about “UDML works great but we cannot delete item by using UDML”. Here is how to delete;

1.       Copy the item you want to delete as UDML

DECLARE FOLDER ATTRIBUTE "XXX - BAW Customer Service".."- Task Created By"."Created By User Name" AS "Created By User Name" UPGRADE ID 2160852698 LOGICAL ATTRIBUTE  "Core"."Dim - Created By"."User Name" OVERRIDE LOGICAL NAME
            ALIASES ("User Name")
            PRIVILEGES ( READ);

2.       And change it as below with DELETE command, save it.

DELETE FOLDER ATTRIBUTE "XXX - BAW Customer Service".."- Task Created By"."Created By User Login";

3.       Run nQUDMLexec.exe, that’s it!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Length Semantics in DB Profile

If we describe any table in OBIEE environment, we can find that all the string column sizes are 4 times the actual size.

For e.g.; In table W_SUPPLIER_ACCOUNT_D

If we refer the same columns in Informatica and Oracle BI Repository, the column sizes would be  VARCHAR (50) and VARCHAR (80) respectively.

The reason behind this anomaly is that DB profile is set with Length Semantics to BYTE instead of CHAR.
i.e.; PAY_TERMS_CODE        VARCHAR (200) = VARCHAR (200 BYTE) = VARCHAR (50 CHAR)

So going forward whenever you extend any base table for adding a string column, specify the syntax as CHAR explicitly.

i.e.;  alter table W_SUPPLIER_ACCOUNT_D

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Purging RPD Cache

We can purge RPD cache without opening rpd online mode using “Oracle BI Presentation Services Administration”

Wednesday, January 06, 2010


You can use CAST function to convert from one datatype to another datatype. and you can create a new logical column in your RPD , that use this function;

cast(MONTH("Fixed Assets Depreciation".DEPRN_RUN_DATE) as char)

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