Friday, February 03, 2006

Setup UNIX Sendmail to Access SMTP Gateway

The steps below are relevant to Sun SOLARIS Servers running Solaris 2.6 or 2.8, consult your System Administration manual for details on how to perform this for other hardware vendors / operating systems.

1. If the sendmail daemon is currently running on your system, terminate it with the following command:

/etc/init.d/sendmail stop

2. Copy /etc/mail/ to /etc/mail/

3. Edit /etc/hosts and place an entry here for the SMTP gateway machine, e.g: mailhost

4. To test connectivity to the SMTP machine called mailhost, enter the following command:

telnet mailhost 25

This will initiate a telnet session with the mailhost machine on port 25, which is the port that the SMTP daemon listens for incoming messages.

5. Edit the /etc/mail/ file and edit the following entries:

Change Dmsmartuucp to Dmether

This changes the mailer program for remote mail delivery from uucp to the smtp mailer.

Change DR ddn-gateway to DR mailhost

Change CR ddn-gateway to CR mailhost

This changes the behavior of the sendmail daemon to route all remote mail generated from this server to be directed at the SMTP host you defined in /etc/hosts

6. Save the configuration file

7. Start the sendmail daemon by issuing the following command:

/etc/init.d/sendmail start

8. Run $POM_TOP/bin/ stop

9. Add /usr/lib to the PATH in the .profile file and activate it

10. Run $POM_TOP/bin/ start apps/apps