Friday, February 10, 2006

Solaris Logadm

Solaris 9 has added a new command called logadm which is useful in managing Oracle log files as well as any other log files that are used on your system. I don't know whether other flavours of UNIX have similar commands or not.

The command is '/usr/sbin/logadm'. The default configuration file is '/etc/logadm.conf', but a user configuration file can be specified.

The way I have used this is to create a cron job as below. This uses an Oracle specific config file.
0 01 * * * "/usr/sbin/logadm -f /opt/apps/oracle/utils/logadm/logadm.conf"

Then I created the config file as below. The configuration file must be left writable, as the logadm updates the command with the -P option to keep track of last processed timestamps
/oracle/admin/GANDALF/bdump/alert_GANDALF1.log -C 3 -c -p 1w -z 1
/oracle/product/10.1.0/db/network/log/listener.log -C 3 -c -p 1w -z 1
/oracle/product/10.1.0/db/network/log/sqlnet.log -C 3 -c -p 1w -z 1
Using the switch '-c' means that 'logadm' is able to process the listener.ora file without problems due to locking.

For further details consult the 'logadm' man page.