Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Standalone Reports Server on 10g R2 Developer

If you tried to install report server as NT service in 10gAS R2( , when you ran following command at command prompt;

rwserver -install autostart=yes

you will get the error message saying that "Please consult the installation guides for how to setup and run this program"
Beginning with Oracle Reports 10g Release 2 (10.1.2), running Reports Server as a Windows service is no longer supported ( rwserver -install server_name). As a result, the related command line keywords INSTALL and UNINSTALL are also obsolete.

Start or stop a Reports Server registered with Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g only through Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g/OPMN. OPMN automatically restarts Reports Server if it stops responding for some reason. On Windows, OPMN itself is run as a Windows service. Start the Reports Server as a standalone server on Windows using the following command:

rwserver server=server_name

Add the BATCH command line keyword to start up the server without displaying dialog boxes or messages.

rwserver server=server_name batch=yes